Remember the crazy storm I (well, my ankle) predicted? It happened yesterday (Day 13), as I was walking to class. Nothing like white sheets of windy sideways rain that's coming down so hard it's bouncing off the sidewalk. Hurrah. Unrelated, I missed yesterday's post. Sorry about that.
Sausage, quickly made before rushing to class
2 hot 'n spicy flavour Kroger brand italian sausages (I should post a how-to-cook, shouldn't I? Look for it Friday)
Coffee (not really hungry)
Midnight snack
2 small (~4oz each) hamburgers
Selzter water (ingredients: carbonated water)
Energy level
Good, particularly since I'm running on 6 hours of sleep for the second night in a row (brutal MCAT study schedule + class + homework for class = no sleep + no Day 13 update).
Non-specific "sweet" desire, again.
Overview/Crohn's symptoms
Three things:
1. I'm amazed at how my tastes are changing. Both yesterday and today I had standard hamburgers made from regular ground beef, and they tasted sweet. Not sweet like a cupcake, but savory-sweet and absolutely delicious! If the taste of meat is only going to improve from now onward, I'm looking forward to a ribeye from the amazing butcher in my hometown. Guess that's one reason to plan a visit home. =P
2. I've had a pounding headache all day. Since headaches are a typical Crohn's symptom for me, I kind of feel obligated to report it. However, my boyfriend has also had an awful headache all day, and we're both blaming ours on pressure changes after yesterday's crazy weather.
3. My nails seem to be getting stronger. A lot stronger. Stronger/whiter/thicker nails usually indicates better nutrient absorption. If nutrients are being absorbed better, that seems to infer my intestines are healthier and less inflamed. To me, at least, this is a sign that my body is slowly healing itself. Whooo!
Future note slightly related to #3: At the six month mark, I'll be getting cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and vitamin panel bloodwork drawn, to confirm to friends/family/curious blog readers that I'm perfectly healthy on only meat. For now, nail strength is enough for me. =P
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