Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cooking Hamburger in the Oven

More pictures + flavour variations will be added later

From fresh ground beef
1. Patty out your burgers. I use this: Progressive International HPM-1 The Perfect Burger Press (yes, pretty much everything I own kitchen-wise comes from

2. Line pan with a piece foil big enough to fit burger (or burgers). Bend edges of foil up to trap fat (easier clean up). Add burger.

3. Heat oven to 350F. Cook burger for 22 minutes, or until a meat thermometer reads 160F (I use this one and love it).

4. Let burger rest, if you want (absorbs fat), or don't. Enjoy either way!

From frozen
1. I freeze my burgers in aluminium foil, so just place frozen burger on pan. Otherwise, do the same bent-foil trick as with a fresh burger.

2. Heat oven to 350F. Cook burger for 4 minutes, then loosen aluminium foil from burger and make bent foil trap like before (if you try to loosen the frozen foil before heating it a little bit, it'll stick to the burger)

3. Cook for another 35 minutes at 250, or until meat thermometer reads 160F.

4. Let burger rest if desired.

5. Nom. (internet speak for "enjoy")

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