Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 4

I found bacon without sugar! Well, actually my friend did: I was whining about how no store carried sugarless bacon -- not even Whole Foods or Trader Joe's -- and the first package he checked was cured without sugar. Haha. Walmart, of all stores, carries a sugarless brand called "Gwaltney."

4 slices of (sugar free!!!!!) bacon, dipped in grease [leftover fat saved for later]

Beef jerky (Hahaha. Once this package is gone, I'll take a break. It's too sugary to be a constant in my diet)
Japanese tea cup full of heavy cream. Surprisingly delicious.

Mid-day snacks
Another two tea cup servings of heavy cream (drank at two different times, not both at once). I think my body is trying to gain a few pounds - yay!

[will update after I eat]
Reheated "steak" (see Day 3) with refrigerated bacon fat spread on top + au jus
Once the steak was warm, I actually didn't want the juices it was cooked in (strange), so I skipped drizzling it over the plated steak like I usually do. My body may be telling me I got enough fat in through the heavy cream.

3, about 2oz servings of heavy cream.
2 café cremes

Energy level
Higher than average.

N/a so far. Well, steak at the moment, but that's less of a craving and more of a "I'm hungry while I type this."

Overview/Crohn's symptoms
Last week I was too exhausted to get off the couch. Today I studied for 4 hours, cleaned a decent amount of the apartment, took a 15 minute nap, and went right back to studying. It's hard to explain, but I just feel.... good. If this is a placebo effect, I hope it lasts.
No cramps since last night. I slept dreamlessly for 8 hours (minus the midnight cramps) and felt absolutely refreshed this morning. My allergies seem to be improving too -- usually I have such bad nasal congestion that I need Breathe Right strips to breathe normally, but I haven't used them since Wednesday night (pre-infusion/meat diet).

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